In our opinion, the term "asset management" can only stand for an economic and sustainably
profit-oriented development of real estate. The services listed below are all controlled by SBP commercial,
irrespective of whether they are provided by our employees or the partner firms in our network.
We principally distinguish between three stages of asset management:
- Market analysis and identification of suitable investments
- Consultancy in the acquisition process
- Due diligence/property surveys
- Financial forecasts
- Handover to the management/property management
- Regular investment reporting and financial forecasts
- Management of value-enhancing measures (revitalization/conversion/project development/letting)
- Object-specific control of the management
- Identification of optimal selling dates
- Advice for suitable exit strategies (individual sale/block sale/partition)
- Asset preparation for the sale, management of value-enhancing measures, and drafting of documentations and exposés
- Management of the selling stage/buyer acquisition